Virus/Spyware/Adware/etc Prevention

Threat (virus, spyware, adware, etc) prevention has become a much more important part of the PC experience recently.  While the spread of computer viruses has not been as bad as a few years ago, the amount of spyware and adware has increased dramatically.  Spyware does what it’s name says.  It trys to spy on your PC and look at your private information.  Then it could try to pull your information out of your PC and send it to a remote computer somewhere on the internet.  This could include social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information, etc.  Not a pleasant thought.  With the amount of identity theft happening now,  you need to protect yourself.  Our Virus/Spyware/Adware/etc Prevention service will help you do that.  It includes prevention,  identification and removal of spyware, adware and viruses.  We will check your PC to find existing threats and remove them.  We will also make suggestions about how best to lower the chance of  them coming back in the future.

Virus, Spyware, Adware, etc

  • Detection
  • Removal
  • Prevention